Greetings to all avid explorers of the Worldle game and fellow enthusiasts of captivating facts about our world’s diverse countries. Join us on a captivating journey as we unravel the beauties of the remarkable country of Qatar.

The Safest Country in The World

The Safest Country in The World
“Security” as an option displayed on a screen

Qatar holds a remarkable distinction – for the third time in 2020, it was acclaimed as the safest country globally. This honour, granted previously in 2017 and 2019, stems from the Numbeo Crime Index, with Qatar boasting the lowest score on the list.

This accolade, echoing the country’s commitment to security, makes Qatar a magnet for tourists and expatriates alike. Undoubtedly, a source of immense pride for the nation.

The Second Flattest Country

The Second Flattest Country
Aerial view of Qatar

Lovers of hiking might find Qatar a different kind of challenge, as it holds the title of being the second flattest country worldwide, trailing only behind the Maldives. With an average elevation of 91.9 feet and the highest peak reaching about 338 feet, Qatar’s terrain offers a distinct panorama dominated by skyscrapers.

While the landscape might lack rolling hills, the captivating beauty of its expansive flats is something to behold.

A Purple Innovation

A Purple Innovation
An open shell on the shore

Qatar boasts a fascinating historical feat – it was the first to produce purple dye from shellfish. Al Khor Island, a treasure trove of discoveries dating back to the second millennium BC, stands as a testament to this achievement. Often referred to as the Purple Island due to its dye production legacy, Al Khor Island is a captivating destination cherished for its historical significance and natural allure.

A Unique Demographic Ratio

A Unique Demographic Ratio
People walking in the street in Qatar

A curious fact about Qatar is its gender ratio, with three men for every woman according to the 2020 census. This results in a population of 2,723,624, with just 754,592 women. With the highest male-to-female ratio globally, Qatar’s demographic composition offers a unique insight into its societal structure.

The Longest Continuous Cycle Path

The Longest Continuous Cycle Path
A cycle track

Doha, Qatar’s capital, boasts a Guinness World Record for hosting the longest continuous cycle path globally. The Olympic Cycling Track, completed in 2020, stretches for 33 km, offering cyclists a mix of paths, underpasses, overpasses, benches, and resting areas.

This endeavour by Ashghal, the Public Works Authority, showcases Qatar’s dedication to healthy recreation and innovative urban planning.


As we conclude this expedition into Qatar’s captivating tales, let these intriguing facts kindle your curiosity about this remarkable country. The Worldle game continues to be your gateway to discovering the unique wonders that await in the diverse corners of our world.

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