Welcome to this article about Spain, a country full of fascinating facts and intriguing traditions. Whether you’re a fan of the Worldle game or simply curious about different cultures, Spain has something for everyone.

From unique sign language gestures to the oldest restaurant in the world, Spain’s rich history and vibrant traditions will leave you captivated. Let’s delve into some must-know facts about this warm-blooded country.

Sign Language: Expressions and Gestures

Sign Language: Expressions and Gestures
Hand showing a sign

In Spain, gestures speak volumes. Various hand movements convey specific meanings and emotions. For example, holding closed fingers with the thumb up signifies a drink, while raising the little finger and index finger with a clenched fist suggests a wife’s affair.

And then there’s the “Abanico,” the hand fan, which opens a whole new realm of communication. However, it’s important to be mindful of how you wave your hand to avoid any misunderstandings.

Spain’s Timeless Culinary Gem

Spain's Timeless Culinary Gem
The restaurant Sobrino de Botin in Madrin, Spain

Nestled in Madrid, Spain, Sobrino de Botín holds the prestigious title of the world’s oldest restaurant in continuous operation. Established in 1725 and recognized by the Guinness World Records, this culinary gem enchants visitors with its traditional Spanish cuisine. From succulent roast suckling pig and lamb to delectable seafood dishes, Botín offers a tantalizing taste of Spain’s gastronomic heritage.

This legendary restaurant has welcomed numerous illustrious figures throughout history, including Ernest Hemingway, who immortalized Botín in his novel “The Sun Also Rises.” Interestingly, it is believed that renowned artist Francisco de Goya worked as a waiter at Botín during his early struggling years.

Housed in a historic building in Madrid’s Old Town, Botín has meticulously preserved its original features, such as a 17th-century oven still used to prepare their renowned roast meats, and a cellar dating back to 1590.

The Unusual Tooth Fairy

The Unusual Tooth Fairy
The Tooth Mouse

While many countries have a tooth fairy that collects children’s lost teeth, Spain has its own whimsical character called Ratoncito Perez, the Tooth Mouse. Since the late 19th century, this industrious mouse has diligently collected discarded teeth from Spanish children.

Legend has it that Ratoncito Perez takes the teeth back to his mouse hole, where he uses them to construct his tiny mouse castle. In return, he leaves a small gift or coin under the child’s pillow, awaiting their delighted discovery in the morning.

The Tooth Mouse tradition originated in Spain and has become an endearing part of Spanish culture. Children often craft special Tooth Mouse boxes or leave notes for their nocturnal visitors. Some parents even orchestrate elaborate Tooth Mouse visits, complete with costumes and props, to create a magical experience for their little ones.

The Tower of Hercules: Guiding the Way

The Tower of Hercules: Guiding the Way
The Tower of Hercules, Spain

Among Spain’s wealth of historic landmarks, the Tower of Hercules stands out as the world’s oldest known extant lighthouse in the world. Situated in Coruna, a city in Galicia, this architectural marvel dates back to the second century AD. Rising proudly at a height of 187 feet, the Tower of Hercules also claims the distinction of being the country’s second-tallest lighthouse.

Home To The First Modern Novel

Home To The First Modern Novel
The statue of Don Quixote in Madrid, Spain

Considered the world’s first “modern” novel, Don Quixote, written by Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes in 1605, holds a significant place in literary history. While there are other contenders, this timeless masterpiece takes readers on a journey through the imagination of a man captivated by tales of knights, romance, and chivalry.

In 2023, Don Quixote celebrates its impressive milestone of 4,018 years since its creation. Translated into 140 languages, it holds the distinction of being the eighth most translated book globally. Its enduring popularity speaks to the profound impact of Cervantes’ work on literature and the imagination of readers worldwide.


In Spain, every step reveals captivating traditions and remarkable landmarks that beckon both locals and visitors. From the world’s oldest restaurant to the timeless literary treasure, all contribute to Spain’s irresistible charm. Whether you’re a Worldle explorer or simply seeking to broaden your horizons, Spain promises a captivating journey filled with endless delights.

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